Community Event Tag

Dane County Farmer’s Market (Saturday Market)

Capitol Square Madison WI

The Sat­ur­day Dane Coun­ty Farm­ers’ Mar­ket is con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed on the tree-lined grounds sur­round­ing the Wis­con­sin State Capi­tol build­ing — oth­er­wise known as ​“the Square” — in down­town Madi­son, Wis­con­sin. The Mar­ket encir­cles the Square.

Madison Night Market

Madison is famous for great shopping, amazing food and a talented arts scene, and the Madison Night Market brings our urban experience together in celebration. Vendors mix with existing State Street retailers to showcase handmade products, local art, artisan gifts, artisanal foods, and fresh produce....

Madison Night Market

Madison is famous for great shopping, amazing food and a talented arts scene, and the Madison Night Market brings our urban experience together in celebration. Vendors mix with existing State Street retailers to showcase handmade products, local art, artisan gifts, artisanal foods, and fresh produce....

Madison Night Market

Capitol Square Madison WI

Madison is famous for great shopping, amazing food and a talented arts scene, and the Madison Night Market brings our urban experience together in celebration. Vendors mix with existing State Street retailers to showcase handmade products, local art, artisan gifts, artisanal foods, and fresh produce....